A mystical escape where we can be surrounded solely by the mystery of the sea, lakeshore, beauty and sweetness of the roses.....my loves!
As I prowl the shore, watching the slow movement of time, I listen. Far from traditional rhythms - a sound, an exchange from old to new along the paths where I walk. Random sunbeams marking the solitude as the scents of nature, wildflowers and roses escort my footsteps.
Mornings are bathed in brilliant golden light as the red winged blackbird sings her morning song and the seagull takes flight into the magical existence beyond the sea. At night, the sky is full of magic, star songs and careless profusions of moonbeams writing messages in the landscape with cotton candy. And thus, my days seem to melt away in dreams of intoxicating sweetness of the roses that lead my way to the sea, salt in the air and mystic cobalt blues, sea glass greens and cotton candy pink that surrounds me within the serene peace of its being. And in the distance, the mourning doves bathe in chocolate waterfalls where the sound of the mandolin plays its lullaby.
I come here often, even if only in the astral realms. I have dreamed of such a place for a billion years, and my heart cries out for memories that have never been. Yet, the existences of these dreams unlock a multitude of possibilities. Time loses all meaning when I am here; I am forever lost in the mystery of the sea.
So here I am....a ghost on a ghost shore. Should you visit this magical shore, i'm sure you'll hear my spirit self singing on the breeze.
You too will be enchanted by the shore the minute you lay eyes on it. It will fill your mind with mystery, awe and wonder. And they will stay forever with constancy unknown in your human world. You see, the most beautiful dreams, the perfect dreams, are always those created on the shore.
I always feel a little different when I'm on the shore, a little happier, a little behind the times; a little sappier if you will.
As if I could fly....like if i'm a seagull.....there are no limits to fantasy here on the shore, you see. You simply have to go by your own code of rules and beliefs based on fancy; capricious whimsical fancies of the imagination.
If I could be a seagull, and be as beautiful as she is, I would fly with the eagle and have wings lined in gold and fly along the ocean's edge as if on top of a magical wave.
I would bathe in the perfume of the roses, and drink the nectar of the honey suckle, and I would sing with the others and do mischievious things, like tickle people's feet, or secretly fill the air with petals.
This craziness must have something to do with the enchantment of the shore, I know. That's how I feel everytime I come here. If each of us were given a place that would correspond to our hearts, mine would have to be the shore....as it certainly matches my soul. It is a free place, as I am free in the spirit.
No rule book is necessary here, no color is grouped by an ordered system or arrangement, and I can always throw the color wheel aside and do what I love....A free spirited shore, indeed!
I can never get tired of this place and I'm sure if you were here, you too would walk in wonderment, just as I do....you would walk with reverent steps and worshipping eyes; drinking in all the beauty that surrounds you....as if your're walking on holy ground.
That's how special this place is.
It is always sunshiny and clear, and I don't ever have to worry about the sky turning heavy with rain, turning thick and low, yellowy-gray with dark veins of charcoal running through, like a piece of marble.
At dusk, I drift along the ocean's edge; collecting moments. Nature's shadows dance under a silvery moon. Darkness veils the night, across the shadows, creatures keep a vigil; as if inviting the moon to come down and join the spell....Every nook and corner of the cold white light of a full moon is beaming with mystery and enchantment of the sea.....I look around me; my eyes searching the unknown....
There is a strange weird beauty, a beauty which reminds me of a place I'd never seen, but vivdly lives in the recollection of dreams and hunted places inside my imagination.
Frozen roses from the nights cool air move under the spell of the moon. They have eyes and teeny tiny mouths. Sometimes their mouths open, showing rows of bright buttercup teeth. They're singing lullabies to the moon, or maybe they're just trying to warn me that something is out there, something sinister lurking in the moonlight as it watches me silently....I have this feeling I already know who she is. I can tell by the way she moves and the way she carries herself in a quiet aloofness. You see, if I close my eyes I can still see her. Truth is, I haven't been able to forget her. Perhaps she was there to teach me something. I followed her around from a close distance, as if enchanted by her presense. Hypnotized under the sea's cool morning air, I walked drinking in every detail about her - everything that made her so unique and captivating at the same time. She was always looking down. Detached from the world. Just looking at her transported me to a sea, a mysterious sea inhabited by mysterious creatures and wonder; a place of testing and a realm of mysteries holding the secrets of nature, which humans must penetrate to find meaning.
Who was she? Where has she come from and where did she live? Perhaps from a world of fantasies, where I so often drift in imagination.
Do you sometimes often wish you could be somewhere else, or trade your day to day insights and sounds for something else? Sometimes, I need to escape-mentally escape from reality if you wish.
Where would you run to if you could? I know where I would run to! Do we need to stop dreaming just because we are now grown ups? Do we need to be insulated from daydreaming or enjoying life as passionately and innocently and openhearted and pure as a child?
If you ever get lonely or don't like what you see around you, you can come here too. You might find me here along the shore if you look hard, resting in a bed of roses, watching you as you struggle up the hill, gazing as you go on towards your own imaginary shore and wondering if you would see me.
Don't ever stop dreaming. Live every moment with hope! Take in every breath of beauty that surrounds you! Never give up! Chase the impossible! Love with abandon!
We all love life at the lake/beach - The salt, the sand
& the sea!
It's simple, calm & easy...the essence of life...
It's what we are all about!
Those that have been "captured"...know that there is no other way to live.
You truly understand the sea...
you see it's majesty, hear it's waves crash, taste its currents,
smell it's breeze, feel the power, cherish it and know that it truly is what nourishes your soul!
Be Salty!
~ Love, Light and the Sea
Neta Herron
Bellanora Photography
If you woke me tomorrow and told me I couldn't be a photographer anymore,
it would be like telling me I was going to be blind for the rest of my life.
Photography has given me eyes to see and feel the beauty of the world
and the people around me. My passion is to capture the true beauty
and the feeling of real life in the photographs I create.