The Rose

Here in my enchanted garden of roses on the sea's hem there is nothing out of place.  Nothing more lovely, more constant and delicate and vital... and the sound of wings... seagulls? Angels??
Roses roses roses, indescribable gorgeous marvelous roses...pearl white and cotton candy pink, with a brightness of shimmering jewels hanging from their necks as they dance to the coolness of a new day and the music of the sea.
A bridge to heaven. An enchanted world.  The sea caressing it's magical surrounding with her soft lullaby.  Sweetness of the roses in her breath, sunshine, quietude, brightness, contentment—like magical drops falling from heaven; showering my soul with many blessings. And this extraordinarily awesome brightness surrounding everything; enfolding me; pleasing the earth with joy and peacefulness and harmony.

Every single warm, beautiful, generously giving light on this enchanted shore is reposing on my shoulders; brightening my eyes as it cleanses and purifies my soul and showers me with serenity and freedom, as it reconciles my soul with a broken self.

This amazing power is beyond all comprehension. So I just sit back and accept it. Accept all the colors and scents, rose petals, beauty, salt and the sand.
 photo WitheringBeauty.jpg It is magic!  It is magical!
If you are here, must probably be that you are following the will-o'-the-wisp, or ghost lights, seen by travelers at night, especially over enchanted  hem of the sea like this one.  Their flickering lamps have brought you here, to the enchanted shore.
A place of solace, visual delights, inspiration and dreams. And now, the night air is ripe with dreams, and the scents of the sea linger in the air.  It's magic time.
We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already. So pick up the knapsack of wonder and get ready for some magical journeys on the enchanted shore, with her hem lined with the smell of cotton candy roses.
"If we are to have magical bodies,
we must have magical minds"
                                                          ~ Cielo Noriega